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NFL owners will pay $177 million on Thursday to complete their contributions to the player benefits program for the 2010 season. That payment will bring the total amount funded by the 32 teams for 2010 to $245 million. It is a payment the league has made by the end of March each year under its collective bargaining agreement with the NFL Players Association.
NFL making player benefits payments

In the flurry of information coming from NFL ownership, it's easy to forget it's a lockout, not a strike. Back in January, Bill Maher posited that what makes the NFL successful is a socialist attitude �towards sharing the wealth among its franchises.While we can assure him now that the NFL is very much a capitalist venture, there is another way the NFL resembles the former Soviet Union. The NFL ...
NFL Lockout: Don't Believe Everything You Hear

[By BlogOverdrive]

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